The Triumvirate

The Triumvirate
Golf - at Gleneagles



Thursday, 1 January 2015

The British Honours List - Bah!

Today the papers are full of the 'winner's' in this year's so-called Honours List. There is nothing honourable about it.

It is a sickening throwback to centuries gone by, and a sort of reminder that nonentities such as me should remember who our betters are. What a sham!

I find nothing exasperates me more than this annual jamboree for the Establishment in this country. 

The argument pushed by the 'in' people is that a reward is being given to those individuals who have risen above the common levels of public service to society: services to theatre, to music, to drama, to literature...blah...blah...blah.

Absolute nonsense - it is merely privilege dressed up!

Yes - there are a few worthy people out there - but they are lost in the midst of undeserved rewards given for loyalty by individuals, especially to the political party in power that they support (despite the so-called parity argument put out by one Parliamentary group to the other).

Isn't it because they donate money and other public support to that particular political party? 

And why are so many political figures - and others from society living 'so well off the hog' - rewarded anyway?

Why do  nonentities (but mostly millionaires) from business, finance, sport, film, the pop music world and other self-serving, self-congratulatory elites receive 'gongs'?

All they have done is lead well-rewarded careers, with a minimum public service or none at all - maybe a donation, which can be well-afforded, or perhaps they have opened a Garden Fete or two.

For someone who is genuine and loved for what they do, and doing so unrewarded, a carer, for example, this is what should be done: give the person providing that wonderful help financial reward, or maybe a piece of equipment that makes giving that aid so much easier.

The fact that one-upmanship is being practiced in this annual hand-out of baubles cannot really be refuted; it is a truth that can be proved by a glance at what has happened in all the years gone by.

How can there be a democracy with such a 'top to down' feature hammered into British society?

I have lived a long time hoping to see this annual feudal ritual end. I am still waiting, but with little hope.

With such hypocrisy flaunted, how can any other people or country believe a word our leaders say?

Like honorary degrees, Lords of the Realm, Dukes, Earls, Barons, Knights, and all the other rubbish, they should be swept away.

Those who know they do not deserve an 'Honour' should hand it back with a 'No Thank You' attached. I can think of a few that did - let us have more of them.

Where is the honour in all this?

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