The Triumvirate

The Triumvirate
Golf - at Gleneagles



Saturday, 29 March 2014

Posted 31st March 2014

Theme for April 2014: Vacations
Hi there folks wherever you happen to be. My unique (or not so unique) view of the world for April will concern itself with the onset of the holiday (vacation) season that most of us - in just a few weeks more - are going to enjoy/experience/suffer/get over as quickly as possible.
The vast majority of we mortals will stay at home, of course, that's what sensible people do to avoid all the hassle that goes with travel today. Unless you have endless wads of notes to ease the pathway to ensuring perfect accommodation, painless aeroplane journeys, first class rail seats, or you own an amazing car that will drive itself through congested arteries to reach your holiday destination, it can be a nightmare!

But hey, why am I sounding disenchanted? The truth is that I have had some amazing vacations. Has it all been due to good luck? What was it that ensured I would have a good time - barring the unexpected? I'll come back to that in a bit.

I have read about some appalling situations, where a family has arrived at some dump abroad, only distantly reminiscent of the hotel they booked in the Holiday Destination brochure back home. Dirty rooms, stinking swimming pools, bugs of every description, bed sheets stained beyond disgusting - looking like they have never been changed. The food on offer not fit for human consumption, and staff that seem to suggest they are doing you a good turn by putting in an appearance - just don't ask them to do something.

I hope, sincerely that you have not experienced any of the above when on vacation. I haven't, not yet anyway - and I think there has been a general improvement all around the planet. There's only one, no, I lie, two, no three occasions, when I was 'a bit put out' - as we say - over accommodation and food.

The first time was when the whole family went on holiday to Majorca in 1985,

Monday, 24 March 2014

The story that follows is a sort of memoir-fiction, and appears in my Short Story Collection entitled ‘Snapshots of Love’, which can be located at:
It’s theme is brotherly (or fraternal) love. In it I try to illustrate the sheer joy of being alive in a beautiful world with friends and loved ones; while enjoying a pastime – fishing – that has been common to mankind from times immemorial. Enjoy.