The Triumvirate

The Triumvirate
Golf - at Gleneagles



Friday, 31 July 2015

Intimation Regarding My New Book 'Big Geordie...'

30th July 2015

I thought I would give advance notification that the launch of this new e-book is imminent. It should be available from Amazon by the 4th of August. I encourage my readers to seek it out - then tell me what you think.

It is a book of nostalgia, and laughter, written with respect and love for a man and a village whose hearts were alive and beating for most of the second half of the 20th century. Both the man and the coalfields are now gone and little villages like this struggle to stay alive. More's the pity.

Pithead Winding Gear

Thursday, 2 July 2015

John Drummond - Research Article

2nd July 2015

Bringing to your attention the first part of my latest piece of work published. I am sure it would interest the History buffs among you - irrespective of country or your view of what it is all about.This is the July-August portion; the second part follows in September-October.

vol 15, number 4